October 24, 2023
COVID-19 Updates
We believe it is our role and responsibility during this time to prioritize two things: the health and well-being of our residents, clients, and members as well as providing a safe work environment for our staff.
It is through that lens, we will continue to make decisions with vigilance and courage, informed by the latest science-based information and guided by our Arcadia Family of Companies Mission and Core Values.
Since we first began navigating COVID-19, our goal has been to lead with care and transparency, and always looking to base our decision-making on facts and science. Our commitment is to always do what’s best for you, the residents and our staff.
Updates To All Stakeholders:
COVID Numbers Update as of 10.23.23
Other Resources
Centers for Disease Control: About Coronavirus Disease
State of Hawaii, Department of Health: COVID-19 Updates
State of Hawaii, Department of Health: Current Issues & Advisories
Additional updates will be issued as needed as the situation changes.