December 8, 2023
Hoʻomau (12/8/23)

DECEMBER 8, 2023, ISSUE 132
Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere
First Hawaiian Bank Holiday Tea
Wishing our residents a happy holiday season filled with peace and love, First Hawaiian Bank (FHB) visited 15 Craigside for their annual Holiday Tea. Held in the Solarium, FHB staff served delicious refreshments of cookies and beverages, while musicians entertained with melodious tunes on the ukulele and guitar. FHB gave away fabulous raffle prizes to lucky residents and Santa came by to spread holiday cheer!
Fun at the Carnival
Come one, come all to the Arcadia Health Care Center Christmas Carnival! The holiday season is a great reason for a carnival and residents had a blast demonstrating their skills in a variety of games.
Centenarian Birthday
Happy birthday to Hale Ola Kino by Arcadia (HOKA) resident Dr. Riccamae Williams! Affectionately known to family and friends as “Riccy,” Dr. Williams turned 103 on December 3rd. Born in 1920 and raised on a farm in southern Indiana, Dr. Williams learned how to be self-sustaining by gardening, sewing, raising animals, cooking, canning, crafting and more. She eventually became a dentist and met her husband Robert when they were lab partners in school. After her husband’s passing, Dr. Williams moved to Hawaii in 2005 to retire and has been a resident of HOKA since 2018. She says that her secret to a long life is choosing happiness! Her favorite activities are playing bingo and pet visits with her favorite furry friends.
Sharing Christmas Joy
Students from St. Clement’s School visited Arcadia to share their Christmas spirit by performing their favorite carols for all to enjoy. Resident, Mrs. Sheila Black, also entertained the keiki with a reading of “The Little Red Sleigh.”
Dressed in Lights
At the Arcadia Adult Day Care Center, the holiday spirit is in full swing! On “Come Dressed in Lights Day,” both clients and staff adorned themselves with tinsel and lights, putting everyone in a festive mood!
Holiday Performance
Residents of 15 Craigside got into the spirit of the season with a beautiful vocal performance by the Na Leo Lani Chorus. Established in 1975, the group sings in four-part a capella harmony in the barbershop style. Their finale was “Hawaii Aloha” - a 15C favorite with residents standing and singing along.
Beautiful Brushstrokes
15 Craigside’s Health Care Center residents recently picked up paintbrushes to do some watercolor painting. Did you know that painting has many benefits? It can help reduce stress levels, improve focus and concentration, boost confidence, provide a creative outlet, and promote mindfulness. If you’re looking for a new hobby, give painting a try!
Holiday Entertainment
Across the Arcadia Family of Companies, we’ve been delighting in a variety of festive holiday entertainment. Last Thursday, clients at the Arcadia Adult Day Care and Day Health Center at Central Union Church enjoyed a performance and Christmas sing-along with musicians Brian Date and Lilinoe. Mahalo for sharing your talents and spirit with us!
Pine Cone Ornaments
Deck the halls! Arcadia Health Care Center residents expressed their creativity by making Christmas ornaments out of pine cones. After gluing pompoms to add pops of color, ribbons were attached for hanging on the tree. Did you know that the pine cones we’re all familiar with are female? Male pine cones are much smaller and not showy.
New Schedule in 2024
In 2024, Ho’omau will be published every other Friday starting on January 12th. We will continue to highlight all the happenings across the Arcadia Family of Companies featuring the residents of 15 Craigside, Arcadia and Hale Ola Kino by Arcadia, clients of the Arcadia Adult Day Care and Arcadia Home Health Services, and members of Arcadia At Home.
“The first week in December is National Influenza Vaccination Week which highlights the importance of getting vaccinated. Remember that it’s not just the holiday season – it’s also flu season, so if you haven’t gotten your flu shot yet, now is a great time to do it!” - Suzie Schulberg, President & CEO