March 22, 2024
Ho'omau (3/22/24)

MARCH 22, 2024, ISSUE 141
Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere
Kilohana Hula Show
Arcadia At Home members were delighted to join Arcadia residents for an excursion to the Kilohana Hula Show in Waikiki. A few members and residents recalled attending the original Kodak Hula Show, and were excited to see what changes the new show would bring. Starting with a traditional blowing of the pu (conch shell), the show proceeded with a mixture of traditional kahiko dance, contemporary auana, and nostalgic Waikiki hapa-haole hits. The members and residents were blown away by the show; some even thinking of when they could return to watch with their friends and family.
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the Arcadia Adult Day Care Center held a special event with a live music concert by the talented group, Sing for Your Life. While enjoying the Irish tunes, clients also made a shamrock craft and enjoyed snacks and refreshments! So festive and fun!
Margarita Service
Arcadia residents picked up a refreshing strawberry margarita on the rocks to celebrate National Margarita Day! Check out the gorgeous napkin rose that Dining Services Supervisor, Clifford Heard created. What a perfect finishing touch!
Splendors of Ikebana
15 Craigside residents took an excursion to the Japanese Cultural Center to see the International Splendors of Ikebana. The displays showcased various schools of ikebana, including arrangements by a 15-year-old boy, a 103-year-old woman, and 15C resident Mrs. Irene Nakamoto! The exhibition specified a 12”x12” working area for small and miniature displays.
Via Gelato
The Arcadia Adult Day Care clients enjoyed a creamy, refreshing treat at Via Gelato in Kaimuki! With twenty-one flavors offered daily, there was a lot to choose from! Do you know the difference between gelato and ice cream? Italian gelato uses less cream and more milk, and typically contains no eggs.
Cocktail Hour
15 Craigside hosted a lively Cocktail Hour with Irish flair to ring in St. Patrick's Day. Executive Chef Jordan Salvador and Sous Chef Helen Borromeo served corned beef sliders with sauerkraut, pretzel bites with beer cheese, shepherd’s pie filled potato skins, and a Bailey’s chocolate pudding over white cake topped with Oreo crumble. One resident complimented, "It’s so ono!"
Spring Cherry Blossoms
This month, the Arcadia Adult Day Care Center created beautiful cherry blossom trees. Clients used a variety of pink and red tissue paper to show the blossoming of the vibrant flowers. Peak blooms usually occur during the last week of March into the first week of April. The perfect craft for welcoming the arrival of spring!
Flight of the Fairy Tern
Arcadia resident, Mrs. June Honda captured the elegant fairy tern in flight, ready for landing! Known as manu-o-Ku in Hawaiian, these native seabirds are frequent visitors to Arcadia and nest specifically in the city. In 2007, Mayor Mufi Hanneman designated the fairy tern the “Official Bird of the City and County of Honolulu!”
“Last week we celebrated our Administrators, Social Workers and Dietitians across the organization! Mahalo nui to these compassionate individuals for their commitment and dedication to providing the best quality care and services to our kupuna!” - Suzie Schulberg, President & CEO