January 13, 2023
Hoʻomau (1/13/23)

JANUARY 13, 2022, ISSUE 85
Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere
Year of the Rabbit
To get ready for Lunar New Year, 15 Craigside residents made adorable origami rabbits. Everyone followed along together with step-by-step instructions with each rabbit turning out a little different. Shown above with their finished creations are Mrs. Violet Kawakami (left) and Mr. Donald and Mrs. Kathleen Mijo (right).
Lunar New Year begins on January 22nd and the rabbit ranks fourth in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac signs. The years of the rabbit include 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023. In Chinese culture, the rabbit symbolizes longevity, peace, and prosperity, thus 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. Those born in the year of the rabbit are calm, peaceful, artistic, optimistic, gracious, generous, kind-hearted, intelligent, witty and alert. Some famous people born in the year of the rabbit include physicist Albert Einstein (1879), designer Ralph Lauren (1939), basketball star Michael Jordan (1963), actress Kate Winslet (1975), golfer Tiger Woods (1975) and soccer player David Beckham (1975).
Crafting for Winter and 2023
Residents of Arcadia’s Health Care Center celebrated winter and the new year with a few seasonal crafts. Mittens decorated with intricate snowflakes and cotton ball cuffs gave off a warm and fuzzy feeling while brightly painted numbers ushered in 2023. Did you know that Spam cans from Arcadia’s kitchen are recycled? They provide the perfect canvas for detailed artwork and perhaps a new life as a pencil holder!
Art and Photography Clubs
Do you enjoy creating art or taking photos? Take a look what’s currently on the Artistry Wall at 15 Craigside. Art and Photography Club members display beautiful artwork and images they’ve captured. Thank you for sharing your talents for all to view and admire!
New Year’s Traditions
The residents of 15 Craigside’s Health Care Center enjoyed the aroma and taste of Japanese ozoni soup to celebrate New Year’s. The traditional broth was made with mizuna, kamaboko, and shiitake. No mochi was served but it was boiled into the broth to flavor and thicken the soup. Ozoni is usually the first meal on New Year’s Day and symbolizes strength and prosperity. In addition, residents ate kuromame (black beans with chestnuts) which represents good health and success. The Activities team talked about traditional New Year’s foods and residents shared their experiences of celebrating New Year’s with their families. Activities Supervisor, Gina Heshiki was touched by a resident who commented that he hasn’t eaten ozoni for years and that after tasting the soup, said it hit home and that he was content and satisfied. The resident mentioned the one thing that he looks forward to on New Year’s is having ozoni and kuromame. Everyone enjoyed eating and sharing their experiences and some did not hesitate to ask for seconds! Thank you, Gina and the Activities team for making the occasion special for our residents.
Things We Treasure
Each month, Arcadians loan their special belongings to be featured in the Main Lounge’s display case. For January, residents share “Things We Treasure.” Many of the items come from around the world including Austria, China, Ecuador, the Falkland Islands, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mauna Kea, South Africa, Thailand, and more. Also on view are cherished family belongings such as a grandchild’s photo, a child’s handmade ceramic dish for Father’s Day, and a more than 100-year-old family heirloom.
Honoring Our Resident Veterans
During the Christmas season, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary 2875 (Honolulu) presented stockings filled with wonderful gifts for each of our Arcadia veterans. Arcadia resident, Mrs. Sheryl Anzai, who works with the organization, helped to coordinate the donation in addition to a lovely hula performance for Arcadia Health Care Center residents to enjoy.
National Hobby Month
Did you know that January is National Hobby Month? It’s the perfect time of year to start a new hobby or revisit an old one from the past. Hobbies are great for relieving stress and can spark curiosity. Finding a hobby that you can do on a daily or weekly basis will make you happier and healthier. How about trying one of the hobbies shown on the left?
“On January 16th we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Let us be inspired by his extraordinary life and strive to live lives that are worthy in every way.” - Suzie Schulberg, President & CEO