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June 9, 2023

Ho'omau (6/9/23)


JUNE 9, 2023, ISSUE 106


Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere

We Appreciate You!

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) and Human Resources employees were overjoyed by the arrival of the Sunshine Cart— the appreciation cart at Central Union Church! The cart was decked out in bright colors, unique designs, and positive quotes. Everyone enjoyed the variety of goodies such as chips, Pop-Tarts, fruit snacks, and muffins. A special shout out to Aya Harada, HCBS Administrative Programs Assistant, for all of her creativity and dedication she put into creating this masterpiece! This was such a beautiful way of showing appreciation to employees for their hard work, compassion, and heart that they bring to work every day!

Yoga Classes

At 15 Craigside, the Wellness Center offers two popular yoga classes led by Wellness Trainer, Kawai Crisostomo. Chair Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday mornings feature simple, seated stretches. An Advanced Yoga class on Monday and Thursday afternoons includes floor stretches and poses to increase flexibility. Residents love the physical and mental health benefits!

Dim Sum Dining Experience

Arcadia residents enjoyed a special dim sum dinner! The Dining Room was decorated with lanterns, takeout boxes, and fortune cookies to reflect the look and feel of a Chinese restaurant. Everyone loved the wide selection of dishes including mini manapua, har gow, pork hash, mini custard tarts, moon cake, and peanut candy. Dim sum is thought to have originated in teahouses along the Silk Road around 2,500 years ago.

"Brighten the World" Suncatchers

Hale Ola Kino by Arcadia residents created beautiful and colorful suncatchers. There were various designs to choose from including animals, butterflies, and flowers. The finished pieces were placed on the window for everyone to observe and enjoy. The use of suncatchers for decorative and spiritual purposes dates back to ancient times when many cultures believed they possessed healing properties.

Lei Stand Aloha Hour

Arcadia’s 6th floor residents hosted May’s Aloha Hour with a lei day theme. Everyone dressed up in their favorite aloha attire paired with various flowers and lei. Local favorite pupu were served including Goteborg sausage musubi, kamaboko dip, and haupia, along with a refreshing beverage of choice. This was the perfect way to kick off summer. Residents look forward to more events in the coming months!

Seafood Boil

15 Craigside residents were delighted with a yummy seafood boil! Everyone loved the mouthwatering lobster, shrimp, mussels, corn on the cob, and potatoes. Seafood boils are especially popular during the summer months in the southern states of Louisiana, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, each with their own variations and seasonings.

Grilled Cheese Pizza Sandwiches

To celebrate Pizza Party Day and National Cheese Day, Arcadia residents made delicious grilled cheese pizza sandwiches with pepperoni and cheese to create a savory, gooey pizza. The treat was paired with a mascarpone marinara sauce that pulled all the flavors together! National Cheese Day was established in 1914, with origins traced to Monroe, Wisconsin.

Palolo Chinese Home Golf Tournament

On May 12th, the Arcadia Family of Companies (AFC) was proud to be a Gold Sponsor at the 31st Annual Palolo Chinese Home Dynasty Invitational Golf Tournament. The purpose of the tournament is to raise funds for Palolo Chinese Home. A big mahalo to the three employees who represented the AFC!

“June 11th is when Hawaii honors King Kamehameha the Great, the monarch who unified the Hawaiian Islands, with a lei draping ceremony and a parade. Most employees of the AFC will celebrate the holiday on June 12th. For those on shift, mahalo nui for your dedication and service!” - Suzie Schulberg, President & CEO

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© Arcadia Family of Companies 808-533-5416 1434 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI, 96822-4754