July 7, 2023
Ho'omau (7/7/23)

JULY 7, 2023, ISSUE 110
Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere
Happy 4th of July!
The summer weather has been so beautiful, making it the perfect time to go outside and soak up the sun. Hale Ola Kino by Arcadia residents took advantage of that by having a festive outdoor picnic on the Lanai. Yummy hot dogs and bratwurst sausages were put on the grill and served with all the crowd favorite condiments. Residents also loved the rocket poppers activity. Old-fashioned film canisters were decorated with soft air-dry clay to create a little rocket shape. The canister was filled with a little water and an Alka-Seltzer tablet that caused the rocket to shoot up into the air! Everyone had a great time celebrating this special holiday in their patriotic attire and accessories!
Milky Way Hawaii Ice
Summer is here and the refreshing treats are near! Milky Way Hawaii Ice truck visited 15 Craigside, Arcadia, Hale Ola Kino by Arcadia, and The Center to serve delicious and sweet drinks. Their extensive menu includes classic milk tea, fruit smoothies and iced tea with toppings like boba, Aiyu jelly, and fresh fruit. They are known for creating a shave ice and smoothie drink, combining two delights into one.
Patriotic Door Hangers
Arcadians got into the patriotic spirit and put together adorable 4th of July door hangers. Check out their beautiful work in the hallways at Arcadia! Pictured: Mrs. Agnes Ogata (left) and Mrs. Lorna Elbern-Sylvester (right).
4th of July Tie-Dye
Residents at 15 Craigside had an amazing time tie-dyeing their clothing for the Arcadia Family of Companies’ Patriotic Attire Day! Participants added red and blue dye to their white shirts. They practiced many different tie-dye techniques including spiral, stripe, and crumple.
Red, White, and Blue Fair!
To celebrate the 4th of July, Arcadia enjoyed an afternoon full of fun festivities. Stations were set up in the Chapel and Garden and included a variety of games such as ring toss, bucket toss, bean bag toss, and Nerf darts. Former President, John Adams, predicted modern-day 4th of July in a letter he wrote to his wife. “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival.”
Father's Day Celebration
Residents in the Health Care Center at Arcadia were delighted with a Father’s Day celebration. The Activities team beautifully transformed the room with balloons, centerpieces, and other themed decorations. Residents wore a festive gold crown while picking on hamburger sliders and french fries—and sipping on non-alcoholic beer and cider. It was a wonderful way to spend this special holiday!
Movies, Shave Ice, and Fun
The red, white, and blue festivities continued at 15 Craigside’s Health Care Center. Residents watched movies while indulging in shave ice and wearing paper flower lei that they helped sew together. Americans spend over one billion dollars on fireworks and display approximately 16,000 firework shows every 4th of July. That is more than New Year’s Eve!
Frozen Yogurt Bark
Arcadia’s Programs team hosted a frozen yogurt bark activity. Residents filled up a tiny foil tray with delicious goodies such as yogurt, Honey Bunches of Oats cereal, mini chocolate chips, and strawberries. They placed their trays in the freezer to create the perfect summer snack. Add this healthy and easy recipe to your next gathering or event!
Spray Paint Art Bottles
15 Craigside residents created fun designs on refillable bottles using spray paint and dish soap. First, they layered two different colors of spray paint on the bottle. Once dry, they poured dish soap to create a design and sprayed the third color over the bottle. Lastly, they rinsed off the dish soap and watched the original colors come through. How simple and beautiful!
“July is known as Social Wellness Month, and mental health professionals urge folks to celebrate self-love and nurture relationships. Acts of self-love and learning how to build strong relationships with yourself and others can be practiced all year round.” - Suzie Schulberg, President & CEO