November 19, 2021
Hoʻomau (11/19/21)
NOVEMBER 19, 2021, ISSUE 25
Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere
Honoring Our Esteemed Veterans
15 Craigside and Arcadia honored their resident veterans with a variety of events on November 11th, Veterans Day. Arcadia held their traditional ceremony to honor their veterans and their service to our country. The touching event featured an opening prayer from Rev. Dr. George Scott, musical accompaniment from the Makani Collective Woodwind Quintet from the U.S. Army 25th Infantry Division Band, Pledge of Allegiance led by resident Mr. Kazuto Shimizu (a WWII veteran who trained under the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and served in combat with the 100th Infantry Battalion), invited speaker Master Sergeant William Clay Park and a very special medal ceremony for resident Mr. Brian Dang (see story and photos on page 2). At 15 Craigside, Health Care Center veterans received lei and certificates of honor. Resident and employee veterans were also recognized with special lei donated by Beretania Florist. Resident, Mr. David Nakamoto’s father started the florist which is now owned and operated by his niece. To close off the festivities, 15C celebrated the AFC’s core value, peaceful, with a peace-zza party complete with pizza and pop.
A Hero in Our Halls
We are honored to call Mr. Brian Dang, resident of Arcadia, a neighbor, friend, family and hero. We proudly salute his patriotic service to our country and applaud his distinguished achievement as a Congressional Gold Medal Recipient. Congratulations to Mr. Brian Dang and all the Chinese American WWII Gold Medal Recipients. Retired Navy Rear Admiral Alma Lau Grocki made the special presentation to Mr. Dang.
Gobble Gobble!
15 Craigside residents have been busy making turkeys ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday next week with a duo of crafts. First, fall-colored paper was used to create the face and tail for each person’s charming turkey lollipop. Second, residents crafted their own turkey cups, then filled them with a sweet treat of chocolate covered almonds.
Hat Day at Arcadia Adult Day Care
Are you a hat person? Clients and staff at the Arcadia Adult Day Care and Day Health Center at Central Union Church recently had an entertaining hat day featuring all sorts of headgear. Check out the pirates, construction workers, firefighters and more!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Have you received your COVID-19 booster shot? Arcadia Health Care Center residents got to put a fun spin on getting theirs. After receiving their boosters, residents posed in a “Hit Me With Your Best Shot!” frame. Thank you to Stacy Aleman, HCC Activities Coordinator, for lightening up the mood! (Mask was removed for picture taking.)
Lunch With A View
Arcadia residents recently enjoyed a delicious take out lunch from Feast on a picnic table at the beautiful Manoa Valley District Park. Thank you to Ms. Amy Taniguchi for capturing this photo! Pictured from left to right are Mrs. Sheila Black, Kawika Muae (Arcadia Shuttle Driver), Ms. Bobbie Aisaka and Ms. Florence Matsuda. (Masks were removed for eating.)
Veterans Day Craft
To honor 15 Craigside’s veterans, residents made patriotic flags by covering Kit Kat bars with red and white stripes and a blue star. After it was completed, they could give it to a veteran to thank them for their service. Do you know what the colors on the flag mean? White signifies purity and innocence; red, hardiness and valor; and blue, vigilance, perseverance and justice.
Fall Crafts at the Adult Day Care
Autumn is in the air and the clients at the Arcadia Adult Day Care marked the season with a fall-themed craft. Trees were adorned with colorful pieces of tissue paper to symbolize the turning of leaves. In foliage-blessed states like New Hampshire and Vermont, fall leaf tourism is also called “leaf peeping.” Millions of out-of-state visitors flock to take in the changing colors.
“Get ready for the seven week whirlwind that is about to hit with the holidays AND please continue to be safe and practice good infection prevention measures…COVID-19 is still very much a part of our lives!” - Suzie Schulberg, President & CEO