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March 5, 2021

Silver Linings of COVID-19 (Issue 3/05/21)


MARCH 5, 2021, ISSUE 51

Silver Linings of COVID-19

Uplifting updates from the Arcadia Family of Companies delivered to you weekly

Wellness with VirtuSense

We’re excited about the rollout of VirtuSense, a balance system that utilizes Artificial Intelligence to conduct balance and gait assessments for our residents.

Starting in January 2021, Arcadia’s Wellness Team began using VirtuSense to aid with residents’ annual assessments. The resident is tasked with walking 12 feet. From this distance, VirtuSense provides information such as the resident’s mobility level, fall risk over the next 12 months, stride length of each foot, and gait speed. VirtuSense also provides exercises and different games to help with memory, hand-eye coordination, agility and balance.

The Wellness Team plans on introducing classes that utilize VirtuSense’s recommendations in the future, so stay tuned!

Arcadia is currently the first and only Life Plan Community in Hawaii using VirtuSense, with plans to expand to 15 Craigside in the future. We’re excited to implement more technology into our communities to improve the quality of care and service we provide!

CUC Earns Green Placard

Hygiene and safety are always a top priority, especially now during a global pandemic.

The Adult Day Care and Day Health Center at Central Union Church just earned their Green Placard from the Hawaii State Department of Health! The inspection is done annually and focuses on food temperatures, proper dish sanitizing and maintaining an appropriate hand-washing station, which must be solely designated with signage and supplies.

Congrats to the team on their Green Placard!

Girls’ Day Mochi Sale

Girls’ Day, celebrated March 3rd every year, is a chance to revere the special ladies in our lives. To honor this joyous day, 15 Craigside held its own mochi sale!

The first two pieces of chichi dango were available to residents for free. The following special flavors were also on sale: peanut butter, green tea, oreo, sweet potato, red bean, chocolate peanut butter and kinako. All the sweets were made by mochi shop, Kansai Yamato.

15 Craigside residents Mrs. Joan Aikala (left) and Mrs. Kyoko Hijirida (right) happily supported the sale. Thank you for your patronage!

Let’s Holoholo!

Every month, Arcadia residents have a chance to go on a fun and scenic bus ride to various places throughout the island. The most recent outing was to the Pali/H3. While no stops are made during the trip, residents still appreciate the opportunity to get out in the community and do some site seeing! Past bus rides have gone through Waikiki, Down-town and Kakaako. We look forward to more holoholo bus rides in the future!

Cherry Blossom Art

To celebrate sakura, or cherry blossom sea-son, Arcadia hosted a craft that utilized recycled soda bottles to make a stunning piece of art! Each resident made their own painting of a cherry blossom tree by hand-mixing pink paint and “stamping” the canvas with the painted bottle bottom to make flower buds. Some residents also did freehand painting to complete their masterpieces. The result is an inspiring collection of spring art.

AED at Adult Day Care

In an emergency situation, an AED, or auto-mated external defibrillator, can be a life saver against sudden cardiac arrest. The Adult Day Care Center at CUC just received their first designated AED machine! It was a team effort to source it and determine its placement at the center—location and accessibility being main considerations. This AED is an investment that improves the quality care and service we can provide to clients and staff.

Beautiful Origami Rose

Randy Fujita, cousin of Arcadia Resident Ms. Christine Wada, made her this red origami rose now on display in Arcadia’s lobby in hon-or of Girls’ Day. Randy made origami roses for all of his girl cousins on the island, each one taking 3-4 days to complete. The rose itself is made from only a single piece of acid-free charcoal paper. Randy inserted a rose-scented sachet, so it even smells real! Thank you for sharing this unique rose with all of us!

“While we are so excited in the first step in helping to slowly start moving our community forward, we still need to be cautious. We know that the vaccine pre-vents us from developing the disease but there is not enough data yet to show that the vaccine will have an effect on preventing transmission of the virus.” - Suzie Schulberg, President & CEO

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© Arcadia Family of Companies 808-533-5437 1434 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI, 96822-4754