February 18, 2022
Ho'omau (2/18/22)
February 18, 2022, ISSUE 38
Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere
Gay 90’s Celebration
Arcadia residents who are 90 years or better were celebrated on Monday, February 14th as part of the annual Gay 90’s celebration. A video was shown on Channel 900 and a special treat was delivered to the 138 residents being honored. The treat included a lovely rose and a yummy strawberry mochi donut. Arcadia Health Care Center residents also joined in on the fun and those who are 90 years or better received the gift as well. Mahalo to the Programs team for always being so thoughtful and celebrating all of life’s milestones with the residents. Pictured clockwise from left are Mrs. Lucile Mistysyn, Mrs. Sadie Inouye and Ms. Yuriko Hiramoto.
Valentine’s Day Heart Crafts
15 Craigside residents were busy designing Valentine’s Day crafts during the week. They created a heart that folded into an envelope and another heart to reveal a special Valentine’s message. A handmade craft is truly a heartfelt way to send some love! Pictured from left to right are Mrs. Sets Ozawa, Mrs. Ann Kealoha and Mrs. Eileen Hirota.
Uniqlo Donation Giveaway
Arcadia’s Home and Community-Based Services staff received brand new clothing graciously donated by Uniqlo. Everyone is very excited to wear their new items. Thank you to Uniqlo for supporting healthcare workers with this generous donation!
Valentine’s Day Advice
Arcadia Health Care Center residents celebrated Valentine’s Day by sharing their wisdom on love and some Valentine’s Day advice. Reverend Alan Lee, pictured at left with Mrs. Eloise Lee, says that he tells his wife, “I love you,” and gives her a kiss every single day. Mrs. Victoria Kajioka (center) and Mr. Robert Yuen (right) are also pictured with their Valentine’s Day advice. (Masks were removed for picture taking only.)
Super Bowl Treat
Super Bowl Sunday may as well be a national holiday in the United States. So it’s no surprise it was celebrated as such at Arcadia. Residents received a special treat from the Programs team to enjoy while watching the big game.
Mrs. June Honda said “Super Bowl 2022 is another reason to celebrate with beer at Arcadia! Our pre-game treats appeared via Arcadia’s magical elevator by the three Programs gals who manage to do this on top of the many other interesting activities they plan. Beer, edamame, boiled peanuts, chips, cookies and crackers were offered. We actually needed bags to carry our snacks! A thoughtful & uplifting message was attached to the snacks: We hope you have a BALL watching this year’s Super Bowl Game! Keeping our spirits up with food is not a bad idea!”
Dollar Origami
15 Craigside residents learned a new way to fold a dollar bill this month. This time it was in the form of an origami heart just in time for Valentine’s Day! It could be used as a charming decoration, or a surprise way to send a gift to someone special for any occasion. Ms. Dorothy Tom shows off her origami heart!
Birds on the Balcony
Arcadia resident, Mrs. Arinaga, noticed a pigeon who would regularly strut on her balcony. She enjoys watching the manu-o-ku or white tern every morning, so the pigeon was a welcome addition to the show. Next thing she knew, the pigeon was no longer strutting, and instead was sitting in a cozy nest they had made in an empty side stand that Mrs. Arinaga had taken the drawer out of. Mrs. Arinaga was a wonderful host and caretaker of the family, always ensuring their comfort and warmth. Mahalo to Wellness Trainer, Kiyo Matsuoka, for sharing this story with us!
“In honor of President’s Day on February 21st, I share this quote from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, ‘It is hard to fall, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.’ Be safe and take care over this holiday weekend.” - Suzie Schulberg President & CEO