April 1, 2022
Hoʻomau (4/01/22)

APRIL 1, 2022, ISSUE 44
Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere
Shave Ice Stand at 15 Craigside
Last week, the staff at 15 Craigside enjoyed a refreshing afternoon snack of shave ice for employee appreciation. What made the shave ice special however, is that the residents prepared the treat for the staff. Resident, Mr. Clifford Tokumaru commented, “it is nice to be serving staff for a change.” A big mahalo to Mrs. Sharon Shiraki, Ms. Jerilynn Kim, Mrs. Roberta Chang, Mr. Eugene Kaneshiro, Mrs. Irene Nakamoto, Mr. Gordon Nishiki, Mr. Masaru Abe, Mr. Clifford Tokumaru, Mr. George Honjiyo and Mr. George Nakamura (top left photo, left to right)!
Lovely Hanging Blossoms
Have you had a chance to view the beautiful blooming vines in the meditation structure of the garden at Arcadia? Resident, Mrs. Elva Yoshihara, planted the Thunbergia mysorensis two years ago and this is the first time it has blossomed so well!
Entrance Beautification
As part of 15 Craigside’s beautification project, the area outside of the vestibule is being refreshed for more curb appeal. Thank you to Mr. Gene Kaneshiro for capturing the photo of the ES crew which he referred to as “The Rock Group.”
National Cocktail Day
Arcadians celebrated National Cocktail Day with a yummy berry-prosecco ice cream float treat. The dessert was made up of mixed berries, mixed berry vodka and vanilla ice cream that was topped off with prosecco and a cocktail umbrella as the finishing touch. Resident, Mrs. June Honda, summed it all up, “I’m beginning to wonder, what do they NOT celebrate here? Our Programs gals are always there to greet us with music, treats, and smiles at all of these celebrations. We look forward to these sparks of brightness in our day!”
Welcome Spring!
To kick off the spring season, 15 Craigside residents created a duo of flower crafts. Budding hyacinth flower paintings were made by using recycled wine corks. After painting the stems, corks were dipped into paint and dabbed to form the appearance of flowering blooms. In the second craft, residents used their hands, literally. After tracing their hands on purple paper, they cut it out, rolled it into the shape of a lily, and added a green stem. It would be perfect to create a bouquet of lilies for Easter too!
Green Thumbs
Arcadia Health Care Center residents have a new Garden Club! Every week, members will be working on a different project, such as removing weeds from potted plants. (Mask was removed for picture taking.)
Butterflies Day
The Arcadia Adult Day Care Center recently held a “Learn About Butterflies Day.” Clients made colorful butterfly art on canvas and paper using stencils, acrylic paint, paper punches and glue.
Rev. Dr. Scott and Cedar
Arcadia Family of Companies’ assistance dog, Cedar, had to recently complete a facility dog working exam conducted by an Assistance Dogs of Hawaii trainer. Cedar was tested on areas such as basic obedience, appropriate social greetings, specific commands/cues with clients and risk management. Arcadia hosted the exam and Rev. Dr. George Scott was her handler.
Manicure Day at The Center
Do you enjoy getting manicures? The nail salon came to the Arcadia Adult Day Care courtesy of CNA Marites “Tes” Vergara. Clients had a selection of pretty nail polish colors to choose from and enjoyed themselves while getting their nails done. Thank you, Tes, for making the clients feel pampered! (Mask was removed for picture taking only.)
Cocktail Crossword
An interactive cocktail-themed crossword puzzle was set up for Arcadians to solve. It tested their cocktail knowledge and was a great way for residents to help each other solve the clues. The Programs team set up the orange squares and left a letter bank for residents to post the letters to complete the words once the clue was solved. The entire puzzle was filled in just under a day!
“In celebration of April Fools’ Day, I share a famous quote from Abraham Lincoln...You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.” - Suzie Schulberg President & CEO