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December 6, 2024

Ho'omau 12/06/24

December 6 , 2024, ISSUE 159


Renew, Perpetuate, Persevere

Hale Mea Kanu Arcadia Greenhouse

Hale Mea Kanu, Arcadia’s Greenhouse, is officially open! Arcadia Resident Association president Mr. Ed Kimsey, Arcadia COO Heidi Pliszka, and Rev. Dr. George Scott, who blessed the new structure, were key figures in the ceremony. After the dedication, residents gathered to enjoy refreshments and celebrated this special renovation to the community. The greenhouse, named Hale Mea Kanu, translates to “house of plants” in Hawaiian, and is designed to provide a nurturing environment for residents to grow their own fruits, vegetables, and flowers. This eco-friendly space not only enhances Arcadia’s green initiative, but also offers a hands-on opportunity for residents to engage with nature, cultivate new skills, and enjoy fresh produce throughout the year. With the grand opening of Hale Mea Kanu, Arcadia continues to nurture its commitment to sustainability, community-building, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. This new place will undoubtedly play a central role in enriching the lives of all who visit and participate!

15 Craigside Craft Fair

As the holiday season approaches,

15 Craigside hosted its annual Craft Fair, a beloved tradition that brings together the creative talents of its residents. This year, the fair was bigger and better than ever, featuring an impressive array of vendors and a collection of handmade goods. For months residents have been preparing their unique items, from beautiful hand-sewn pouches and bags, jewelry, trinkets and treasures, and a selection of sweet and savory treats. Residents and staff eagerly supported the fair by purchasing gifts, goodies, and treasures for their loved ones.

Little Plumeria Farms

Despite the rainy weather, Arcadia At Home members had a wonderful and memorable visit to the 20-acre Little Plumeria Farms in Haleiwa. The farm, known for its breathtaking collection of plumeria, provided an opportunity for Arcadia At Home members to explore the lush grounds, learn about the different types of plumeria, learn how to propagate, and tips on how to grow and care for plumeria at home. After the educational session, each resident was given a bag filled with fragrant, freshly picked plumeria flowers as a keepsake from the day. One of the standout moments of the visit was the opportunity to see the JL Metallica Plumeria, known for its striking purplish hue, which quickly became a favorite among the group due to its unique and stunning appearance.

Gingerbread Cookie Day

November 21st marked National Gingerbread Cookie Day, and residents of Hale Ola Kino by Arcadia celebrated with a festive and delicious activity. They kicked off their day by decorating pre-made gingerbread shapes and baking them to perfection, filling the entire floor with a delicious, mouth-watering aroma. In addition to the hands-on fun, residents learned about the history and origins. Gingerbread cookies have been enjoyed since the 16th century, with the first gingerbread man believed to be baked for Queen Elizabeth I.

Monopoly Day

 Arcadia Adult Day Care clients had a blast celebrating Monopoly Day! In true Monopoly spirit, staff dressed as iconic characters, from the top-hat-wearing Rich Uncle Pennybags to the lively game pieces. Clients joined in by creating Monopoly money origami shirts, showing off their creativity. Monopoly was created in 1903 to teach about the dangers of monopolies and wealth concentration, later evolving into the classic board game we know today.


“In this season of Thanksgiving, I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation to everyone. I’m grateful to our residents, clients, and members for entrusting us with their care, and to our employees for their hard work and dedication in going above and beyond for those we serve. Mahalo nui loa!”

  -Suzie Schulberg, President& CEO

Ho'omau 12.06.24.pdf

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© Arcadia Family of Companies 808-533-5416 1434 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI, 96822-4754